Angelim da Campina

orginates from the forests that grow in the Amazon region of Brazil

Angelim da Campina


Angelim da campina is available in the forests of Precious Woods, located in the Amazon region of Brazil. Is sparse: it mainly grows on the higher and sandy areas in the forest. The stem is cylindrical and has a clear bole length of about 15 – 25 m height. The trees attain trunk diameters of 70 cm, which makes it difficult to produce larger dimensions.



The heartwood is yellow brown with a distinct stripy pattern (parenchyma). The white to yellow sapwood is easy to distinguish. The wood has no specific odour or lustre. The grain is straight, sometimes interlocked or irregular. The texture is medium coarse to coarse. The remarkable stripy pattern  resembles  Angelim pedra (but without the known spots).


Processing properties

Despite the high density, Angelim da campina can be machined well, resulting in a smooth surface. Pre-drilling is recommended.  Regarding the gluing, less experience is available. Finishing is reported to be good (including oils/stains), with a nice result. Drying goes relatively quick without many drying defects.



This very durable species is mainly used for the construction sector, like cladding and decking. In addition, it is used for garden timber, like for fencing (boards and screens). It is a good alternative for Angelim pedra/Sapupira and Sucupira amarela.

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