Sustainability to protect the forests
Tropical forests make up about half of Earth's entire forest area. They are a refuge for the diversity of species and the green lung of our planet. We are committed to managing these forests sustainably and conserving them for the long term. We therefore have ourselves certified every year according to the PEFC and FSC standards. Our sustainable, certified forest management makes an important contribution to the conservation of tropical forests and to halting their overexploitation.
Our three pillars of sustainability
As one of the largest providers of certified tropical timber products, electricity generated from biomass, and emission certificates, holistic sustainability is the key to our success. In addition to our economic performance, social and environmental aspects are an indispensable part of our corporate sustainability.
With our wide range of products, our contribution to economic and social development in economically weak regions, and the conservation of our forests and their biodiversity, we make a contribution that goes beyond the traditional forestry and timber industry.
Our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement
With the adoption of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, the United Nations created a basis for a better future. The focus is on combating poverty, inequality, climate change, and environmental destruction as well as on promoting prosperity, peace, and justice. With our three pillars of sustainability and our protection of the forests, we make an important contribution to the SDGs. You can read more about this contribution >here.
In the same year, the Paris Agreement was adopted by the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC). The Paris Agreement establishes the foundations for international efforts in the fight against climate change. Conservation of large forest areas is a key point, and thanks to its permanent preservation of 1.1 million ha of tropical forests, Precious Woods makes a significant contribution to this important goal.
Reports on sustainability in practice at Precious Woods
More information about our sustainability engagement and activities can be found in the following reports.:
> 20 years of sustainable forestry in the Amazon (published, August 2017)
> Sustainability at PW Amazon (published, 2018)
> Impressions of the "Centre Culturel" project in Bambidie, Gabon (published, April 2018)
> Precious Woods and the sustainable impact (published, April 2018)
> Precious Woods and the Sustainable Development Goals (published, August 2018)
> Fauna inventory in Gabon (published, April 2019)
> Precious Woods' impact and sustainability reporting (published, April 2019)
> Sustainability and Transparency Report 2018 (PDF)
> Sustainability and Transparency Report 2019 (PDF, published, July 2020)
> New hardwood sawmill in Bambidie (published, August 2020)
> Sustainability and Transparency Report 2020 (PDF, published, May 2021)
> MIL Project, Protecting mammals in the Amazon forest (PDF, published, August 2021)
> Sustainability and Transparency Report 2021 (PDF, published, April 2022)
> Project Cultural Center PW-CEB (PDF, published, April 2022)
> Sustainability and Transparency Report 2021 - Update 2022 (PDF, published, April 2023)
> Sustainability and Transparency Report 2023 (PDF, published, April 2024)