Angelim Rajado

orginates from the forests that grow in the Amazon region of Brazil

Angelim Rajado


Angelim rajado is available in the forests of Precious Woods, located in the Amazon region of Brazil. The trunk attains a diameter of 60 cm wide, with a few centimeters wide sapwood.



The heartwood is orange yellow with darker (sometimes a little violet) stripes, like veins, which gives the timber a very decorative look. The sapwood is easy to distinguish because it doesn’t have these veins. The grain is straight, sometimes interlocked. The texture is medium coarse.


Processing properties

This heavy and hard species can be worked if sufficient power is available. The final product gets a fairly smooth surface. Pre-drilling is recommended. Gluing has to be done with care because of the high density. There is less experience regarding the finishing. Drying has to be done with care to avoid checking.



This decorative and durable species can be used in inside and outdoor applications:

Interior: e.g. flooring and furniture

Exterior: e.g. deckings and garden timber

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